Easter Cross on Mt Soledad_o本外展及植堂事工是由你的捐助支持。請支持我們繼續在我們的社群中宣揚福音。 請考慮一年内每月支持本堂, 在此表格填上聯絡資料 。我們會寄上回郵信封及”以馬内利月訊", 邀請您為本堂所需禱告。

您亦可郵寄單一奉獻到以下地址: Emmanuel Anglican Church, P.O.Box 51847, Boston, MA 02205 支票抬頭請寫 “Holy Trinity Anglican Church” 並註明 “Emmanuel Church“. 北美聖公會聖三一堂(Holy Trinity Anglican Church)會在年終寄上收據,可作減稅之用。 感謝你的支持!

This outreach and church plant mission is supported by your donations. Please help us spread the gospel to the communities around us. Please consider supporting the mission year-round with a pledge of monthly donations. Please use this form to make a pledge, and we will send you monthly reminders with return envelopes, along with our newsletter, “Emmanuel Newsletter”. We invite you to pray for the work and the needs of this ministry.

One-time donations can be mailed to: Emmanuel Anglican Church, P.O.Box 51847, Boston, MA 02205. Please make your checks payable to “Holy Trinity Anglican Church”and add “Emmanuel Church” on the memo line. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued by Holy Trinity Anglican Church at the end of the year. Thank you for your support!


Prayer requests

We pray for the outreaching of the ministry to the communities around us and to fellow Christians who are looking for a spiritual home.

We pray for the ongoing search for a long-term location for the mission work and Sunday worship.

We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this ministry.


photo credit: Craig Sunter via Flickr cc

Cross in the sky photo credit: Art4TheGlryOfGod by Sharon via Flickr cc

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