在加拿大溫哥華梁永康主教(梁主教在加拿大聖公會聯盟專責亞裔及多元文化事工)直接監督下,以馬內利堂在2014年1月從一個福音工作小組開始成形。亦得蒙麻省Marlborough市的北美聖公會聖三一堂(Holy Trinity Anglican Church)在行政及屬靈牧養上的相助,使我們得以順利開展這植堂事工。
在2014年11月16日,我們向來自波士頓不同教會的牧者及弟兄姊妹分享異象,正式揭開了新教會成立的序幕,英文名稱定為”Emmanuel Outreach Mission”。剛從香港回來的梅傳道加入為傳道同工,預備開始以服待家庭及兒童為主的外展工作,但我們也察覺有開始主日崇拜及團契聚會的迫切需要。
所以,2015年1月起,以馬內利堂正式開始舉行每週主日崇拜,展開了植堂進程中新一階段。在1月18日舉行成立及感恩聖餐崇拜,感謝主引領。英文名稱亦由”Emmanuel Outreach Mission”改為”Emmanuel Anglican Church”。 本堂現在於 First Baptist Church of Melrose (561 Main Street, Melrose, MA 02176) 租用地方舉行公開粵語崇拜及團契聚會。歡迎各位參加。
從這個植堂事工開始起,我們一直見證上帝從中的引導。祂將我們原本來自波士頓、溫哥華及香港三個不同地域的聖公會成員再一次聯繫在一起,讓我們在主裡愛心相同、信心相同,有同一個異象、同一感召回應主。在主完美的配搭下, 與所隸屬的加拿大聖公會聯盟教區及北美聖公會教省,共同建立「以聖經為本、以福音為念」的屬靈群體,建立榮耀主聖名的聖公會教會。
願主成為我們的元帥,繼續保守帶領我們的植堂事工和福音工作!讓我們以崇拜每一首詩歌榮耀祂;用網站每一則文字榮耀祂; 用每一顆我們接觸的生命榮耀祂!
Starting from ZERO
Emmanuel Anglican Church began to take shape in January 2014 as an outreach mission group, under supervision of the Right Reverend Stephen Leung (Suffrage Bishop of Multicultural Ministry) in Vancouver, Canada, and we are locally assisted by Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Starting from the Spirit – the growth
We hosted gospel gatherings in a home in the northern suburb of Boston about once a month while we continued to pray and seek the direction of this group. The vision of a gospel mission that reaches out to the Chinese families in the suburbs north of Boston began to emerge over the course of the year.
In November 2014, we shared our vision with Chinese clergies and fellow Christians in the Boston area, as we named the group “Emmanuel Outreach Mission.” Minister Mei from Hong Kong joined us to kick-start family and children oriented outreach programs, but we soon realized the immediate need to begin Sunday worships and fellowship gatherings.
In January 2015, as we entered a new phase in the church-planting process with regular Sunday worships, we officially changed our name from “Emmanuel Outreach Mission” to “Emmanuel Anglican Church”. And we gave thanks to our Lord in the Dedication and Thanksgiving Holy Communion Service on January 18. Currently we meet for Sunday worship and fellowship gatherings in First Baptist Church in Melrose ( (561 Main Street, Melrose, MA 02176). All are invited.
Starting from the Spirit – the challenges
As a newly planted church of the Anglican Church in North America, we are not shy to acknowledge the difficult long road ahead of us. While we could hardly contain our excitement about the launch of the mission, we remain equally vigilant confronting the challenges ahead. And our challenges go far beyond simply about building a church from scratch with a very small group of people and very limited resources, or the lack of a glorious sanctuary for Sunday worships in comfort. As a group of sinners in the eyes of God, we desperately seek to understand and follow what the Scriptures really say. That is even more relevant now in the world that is constantly shaping the faith, instead of being shaped by the faith in Him.
Starting from the Spirit – the blessings
Since the very beginning of this church plant, we have been witnessing the guidance of our Lord. He reconnected former Episcopalians from Boston, Vancouver, and Hong Kong over the last year to serve the Lord with one love, one faith, one passion, and one vision. And along with the Diocese of Anglican Network in Canada and the Province of Anglican Church in North America, we are committed to build a spiritual body that is “a biblically faithful, gospel-sharing Anglican church” in His perfect timing.
May the Lord be our Commander, continuing to lead us and guard us in our church planting and Gospel ministry. May we only honor Him with every song we sing in our worship, every post on our website, and every life we reach out to.